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Is India losing grip on coronavirus?

                                          C oronavirus cases have reached to 1.2Lakhs as of now, and already 3.5 thousand people died in India because of this pandemic. India is now only behind by 10 countries to register a maximum number of cases and china is not on the list. India has already surpassed china [china registered around 83 thousand cases. But there are many douts on their registered cases and the United States of America also raised doubts that maybe china hiding real numbers. Though there is no such proof has been given by either USA or any organization. It is also facts that currently in china many places are open including Wuhan which was considered the origin of this corona virus] and if we consider active cases [67K] then India Only behind by USA[1142K], Russia[223K], Brazil[164K] and France[89K], and become 5th country in the w

Sanskrit Love Song for "Maa Bharti" | Sanskrit Songs

By Manish Joshi | 5th May 2020
Gabriella Burnel checkthefacts

Many Hindi songs are listened to not only in India but around the world. We have many regional film industries too such as Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam. Many, Indians also like to listen, English songs. But have you ever tried a Sanskrit song? 

Sanskrit book checkthefacts
The ancient sacred book had written in Sanskrit

Sanskrit is an ancient language where most of the things were written in the form of slokas and mantras[Even Ramayan and Mahabharata too]. But even in India, we never heard any Sanskrit song. Not a single Bollywood movie shows any Sanskrit song. But If I say there is one girl who is not Indian by birth but her heart definitely loves India and she sings many Sanskrit songs with such a  perfectness that, you can feel the effect of Sanskrit song. Let's listen to one of my favorite Sanskrit songs which glorify India and its rivers, mountains, and diversity. It is a love letter written to "Maa Bharti"

प्रकृत्या सुरम्यं विशालं प्रकामम् सरित्तारहारैः ललालं निकामम् हिमाद्रिः ललाटे पदे चैव सिन्धुः प्रियं भारतं सर्वथा दर्शनीयम् prakṛtyā suramyaṃ viśālaṃ prakāmam sarittārahāraiḥ lalālaṃ nikāmam himādriḥ lalāṭe pade caiva sindhuḥ priyaṃ bhārataṃ sarvathā darśanīyam धनानां निधानं धरायां प्रधानम् इदं भारतं देवलोकेन तुल्यम् यशो यस्य शुभ्रं विदेशेषु गीतम् प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा पूजनीयम् dhanānāṃ nidhānaṃ dharāyāṃ pradhānam idaṃ bhārataṃ devalokena tulyam yaśo yasya śubhraṃ videśeṣu gītam priyaṃ bhārataṃ tat sadā pūjanīyam अनेके प्रदेशा अनेके च वेषाः अनेकानि रूपाणि भाषा अनेकाः परं यत्र सर्वे वयं भारतीयाः प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा रक्षणीयम् aneke pradeśā aneke ca veṣāḥ anekāni rūpāṇi bhāṣā anekāḥ paraṃ yatra sarve vayaṃ bhāratīyāḥ priyaṃ bhārataṃ tat sadā rakṣaṇīyam सुधीरा जना यत्र युद्धेषु वीराः शरीरार्पणेनापि रक्षन्ति देशम् स्वधर्मानुरक्ताः सुशीलाश्च नार्यः प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा श्लाघनीयम् sudhīrā janā yatra yuddheṣu vīrāḥ śarīrārpaṇenāpi rakṣanti deśam svadharmānuraktāḥ suśīlāśca nāryaḥ priyaṃ bhārataṃ tat sadā ślāghanīyam वयं भारतीयाः स्वभूमिं नमामः परं धर्ममेकं सदा मानयामः यदर्थं धनं जीवनं चार्पयामः प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा वन्दनीयम् vayaṃ bhāratīyāḥ svabhūmiṃ namāmaḥ paraṃ dharmamekaṃ sadā mānayāmaḥ yadarthaṃ dhanaṃ jīvanaṃ cārpayāmaḥ priyaṃ bhārataṃ tat sadā vandanīyam
English Translation
Naturally lovely Very delightful Carrying to our rivers and stars Charming and beautiful On her forehead, the Himalaya mountain At her feet, the sea Beloved India, always beautiful The receptacle of wealth, ever-flowing This India, equal with paradise Whose fame, shining, a song among foreign lands Beloved India, always to be worshipped
Many regions Many apparels Many forms Many languages Where we all are Indians Beloved India, always to be protected Where the people are wise, heroes in battles Offering their bodies, They protect the country, Where the People are of good conduct, fond of their own duty (dharma) Beloved India, always to be praised We bow to the land, to India, The one supreme dharma, we always esteem, For which we offer our wealth, our life, Beloved India, always to be respected

The girl who is singing a song in this video is Gabriella Burnel, who is by heart Indian. She read Sanskrit language philosophical texts, including its great epics, the Ramayan and the Mahabharat, at Oxford and has gone on to become one of the most loved Sanskrit singers in the world.  She has sung many Sanskrit songs. She runs her youtube channel. She currently living in Britain and recently asked to be part of The Communications Campaign Manager at the British High Commission, New Delhi in their Living Bridge campaign alongside Shilpa Shetty, Romy Gill, Reuben Singh, Pragyan Ojha & Kris Srikant.
Gabriella Burnelsomewhere in Pune, India

There are many such Sanskrit songs that give immense calmness to body, mind, and soul. Every morning when I start with Sanskrit songs playlist it reminds me, how ancient India reached not only in terms of wealth but in art, music, and culture too. Ancient India has found many ways to touch your soul using yoga, Pranayam, and the effect of sound with such mantras and slokas.

I am sure after listening to this song, you definitely feel goosebumps and feel proud of the nation.



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